DIRTY PASSION is a Hard Rock / Rock 'n' Roll band from Malmö in Sweden, formed in 2006 and released an album “Different Tomorrow” in 2010 and “In Wonderland” in 2012. New album “Dirty Passion” will be out on 22nd February 2015.
[spoiler]From first sounds of “Hallelujah” we know & feel that we have contact with true & happy Rock 'n' Roll. Very enjoyable track with amazing energetic riffs, wonderful voice and perfect guitars. Very catchy chorus and fantastic killer guitar solo! My number one on this CD is track “Bitch” with melodic and atmospheric guitar riffs and little THE OFFSPRING influences which make it as a potential hit! Heavier choir chorus and faster tempos with punky echoes are so amazing!Energy pouring out from “Shame” where in refrain is melodic choir and fantastic catchy sounds! Nice guitars with memorable chorus and impressive guitar solo can be found in “Zip Of Fire” and fine bass working with great Rockish riffs and memorable refrain is in “Los Angeloser” - this is a nice track which entrenched itself in my mind. Brilliant vocals with power & energy, fresh idea,s,AC/DC echoes in sounding guitars are heard in “Die Free”. Rock 'N' Roll drive is in “Get Back” with strong melodic guitar riffs & grand energetic rhythmic section.“The Ballad Of The Skank” has punky drums, choir with fresh energy, melody and catchy refrain with Rock 'N' Roll musings, Melodic enjoyable Rock 'N' Roll in “The Mess” and more calmer sounds, soaring vocals, very catchy chorus even with commercial sounds – Pop / Rock in nice “42 Nights” and dirty Rock 'N' Roll riffs with big doses of melody, clear drums, powerful in the kick-ass “Bad Karma”.[/spoiler]
I think that Swedish DIRTY PASSION is really great. They are young and power can be felt in their music, and they feel simple joy in their playing. Musically album is well done & enjoyable to listen to. Catchy melodic refrains is still in your mind after listen CD. I'm sure that everyone who loves Hard Rock, Rock 'n' Roll and catchy melodies in the style of CRAZY LIXX or BAI BANG will enjoy this CD. All of these 11 songs are true killer! Highly recommended!
01. Hallelujah
02. Bad Karma
03. Bitch
04. Los Angeloser
05. Get Back
06. Zip Of Fire
07. Die Free
08. 42 Nights
09. The Mess
10. The Ballad Of The Skank
11. Shame
Kriss Iohikoski - Vocals, Guitar
Chrisse Olsson - Guitar
Nasty - Bass
Mike Rosengren - Drums