Darkyra Black - Fool 2015
The September 18 release, the Australian metal band Darkyra Black their second studio album "Fool" by the company Cargo Records.

01. Behind Closed Doors, Pt.2 - 05:45
02. Who Are They To Judge You - 05:10
03. Truth Or Dare - 04:55
04. Of Fools And Gold - 04:19
05. Where Will I Be - 03:56
06. Bleed - 03:58
07. The Wish Never Fades - 04:49
08. Desperation - 05:03
09. Flawless - 04:15
10. It Takes All Kinds Of Fools - 05:32
11. The Fountain Of Frozen Dreams - 04:42
12. Behind Closed Doors, Pt.1 - 01:10

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Darkyra Black – Fool 2015
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