(Heavy Metal / Modern Metal / Melodic Metal) Less than two years takes the band's history of ?sterreichischen modern metallers CROSSING EDGE, nevertheless Can you zur?ckblicken already a number successes and an impressive seventh place in the Austrian Band Contest 2012, in which they chapels information about 1000 could leave behind. After the EP "S.O.S." put the boys from the Alpine republic now on the first album and want to prove that with them information about the full distance can be expected.
The info promises punchy guitar, tight bass lines, aggressive drumming and singing melodi?sen who fights with hard Shouts. I can essentially sign so the board has been in about an hour, what is known as the Wohlf?hlmusik Metalhead. It is indeed a bit on the view, I find it musically strong liking to the zw?lf songs, but I sto?e here and there in the song, in which I'd have a lot more to me gew?nscht H?rte or a removal of the hard parts . The bottom line to me the clean vocals dominate too much and too erw?hnt vanguard of the music I'd gew?nscht me a little more aggression.
On the other hand it is in the eye of the beholder, so you can definitely also w?rdigen the Variabilit?t of F?nfers at all positions, so technically everything is in balance, nimble passages alternate as selbstverst?ndlich starting with driving headbanging passages, then abgel?st of a shot Filigranit?t to be. Moreover CROSSING EDGE have developed a F?higkeit which is also in many old-timers in the business do not find too often, despite all change, despite many melodies in a song, despite h?ufigen Speed Jump succeeds seemingly m?helos to write very eing?ngige songs. More than a bare handful Durchl?ufe's not necessary to make a significant Can recognition. Here probably also plays the transparent, but still bold and powerful sound a certain role that definitely is kind of a self-produced album all honor.
CROSSING EDGE Could even be a band that their information soon no longer have to send myself, labels should keep their eyes open. A little Feilerei the songs, maybe a little more precise differentiation in harsh and clean vocals and finished'd be a force that really developed format - not least of which is sure to go because of the brisk pace of development.
Too bad that you do not always, or at least h?ufiger such high quality and dynamic in-house productions on the table.
01. Call Me Under
02. Of Ghosts And Enemies
03. Behind Closed Doors
04. The Rising
05. In Case Of Emergency
06. Destiny
07. Into The Sun
08. Testify
09. The Prophet`s Choice
10. Tonight
11. Never Ending Misery
12. New Messiah
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Crossing Edge – Of Ghosts And Enemies 2012
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