Genre: Power | Thrash Metal | Shred
Country: Peru
Year of publication: 2012-2019

2012 - Merry Heavy Metal Christmas - time: 00:32:16
2012 - Procrastinacion / Procrastination - time: 00:41:59
2013 - Games (EP) - time: 00:22:07
2013 - Organic I (EP) - time: 00:18:37
2014 - Rock and Pop hits go metal - time: 00:37:06
2015 - Anime goes metal (EP) - time: 00:23:27
2016 - Charlie en el Parque 2015 (En Vivo) - time: 00:23:11
2016 - Game of Thrones heavy metal and acoustic remixes (EP) - time: 00:11:26
2017 - B-Sides, Rarities and Black Metal - time: 00:35:44
2017 - Con Fe - time: 00:39:00
2017 - World of Warcraft Goes Metal (EP) - time: 00:13:42
2018 - Covers 2018 (EP) - time: 00:15:59
2018 - Rare Tracks and Covers, Vol. 2 2011 - 2015 - time: 00:27:37
2019 - Chaos and Redemption - time: 00:56:56


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Charlie Parra Del Riego – Collection- 14 CDs – 2012-2019, MP3
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