Year of manufacture: 2024
Genre: Progressive Rock
Country: Italy

01. Pigmenti
02. Sottili Armonie
03. Aspetti Astratti
04.Attese Sottese
05. Misteri Evoluti
06. Madrigale
07. Circonvoluzioni

Line Up:
- Ciro Perrino / Mellotron, Solina, Eminent, Hammond, Minimoog, ARP 2600, Vocals
- Francesco Bertone / Bass and Fretless Bass
- Enzo Cioffi/Drums
- Marco Moro / Flute, G Flute and Bass Flute, Alto, Tenor and Baritone Saxophone, Recorders
- Mauro Vero / Acoustic and Electric Guitars

-Marco Canepa/Piano
- Sergio Caputo / Violin
- Paolo Maffi / Alto and Tenor Saxophone
- Ines Aliprandi/Vocals


mirror link on file:
Celeste – Echi di un Futuro Passato (2024)
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