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Sweden Hard Rock Melodic Started playing guitar when he was 12. Was featured in Guitar Player in the April issue of 1987. Released seven cds. Bands from the past:Dizziness, Pole Position, Reptilian, Neondaze, Fair of Freaka

On 19th October, the singer Gianluca Firmo (Room Experience) released his first solo album "Rehab" through the company Street Symphonies Records. Participating in the upcoming album also makes names like Paul Laine (The Defiants, Danger Danger) and Mario Percudani (Hungryheart, Hardline).

Formed in Melbourne, Australia in 2008 and centered around the Millis brothers Jules (Vocals – ex Tigertailz) & Xavier (Keyboards – 2 x Aria Nominee) and guitar virtuoso Enzo Almanzi. Raised on a healthy diet of 80’s Arena Rock and influenced by artists such as Survivor, Foreigner, Journey, Night Ranger, Starship, Dokken and Australia’s own Rick Springfield.

Here you can see the cover and song list for the melodious rock band Midnite City's new album "There Goes The Neighborhood", released on October 26 through the company AOR Heaven.

Spectra Kenny Leckremo, featuring former HEAT singer Kenny Leckremo, released the song "10 Years" from their new album, which will be released on October 19, 2018. Leckremo was the singer of HEAT from 2007 to 2010 and held the lead vocals on the first two albums of HEAT (2008) and Freedom Rock (2010).

Genre: Classic Rock / AOR
Disc Manufacturer: USA

The melodious rock band Mystery has re-released the 1996 debut album "Theater of The Mind", which can be found digitally through here.

One off my first Jeff Scott Soto albums apart from Yngwie Malmsteem solo !!! This is a AOR classic and should be immediately purchased if you like hard rock/AOR music!!! Soto vocals are awesome and this really should off made them stars!!!!!!

Now this milestone in the genre has received the great 24-bit remastering from original source tapes by Rock Candy Records, and you have not excuses to not treasure this goldmine.

The Hard Rock band PILEDRIVER (Germany) will release their new album 'Rockwall' (CD) on October 12, 2018 via FASTBALL Music sound in 2018 and shows all the more that these guys have found their signature sound. After more than 20 years of band history, Piledriver prove with “Rockwall” that they have finally left behind the shackles of a Status Quo tribute band and are now standing on their own two feet.



Frenchwoman with Scandinavian roots vocalist Speed Queen. After recording two albums began a solo career with an international team: Bruce Kulick (Kiss, Blackjack), Michael Bolton and others ...


The long-awaited new album by Australian multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Dean Batman: a memorable and modern FM sound, perfect for lovers of classic melodic rock tunes, but with a modern twist.

On September 14, the new band Groundbreaker releases its self-titled debut album via Frontiers Records. The disc will contain the following songs:



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