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Genre: Hard Rock, Glam Metal, AOR
Country: USA
Year: 1992-2021

FrontPekko Heino's voice and style makes this one a clone of Brother Firetribe and Leverage......and that ain't bad!!! I've listened to it over and over and have decided it is really infectious melodic AOR. Besides the tracks offered here, there are some unreleased tracks out and about that I was able to get that are essential. This CD IS NOT for completist... this is a necessary addition to your collection if you loved Brother Firetribe or Leverage.


The SKID ROW similarities of some parts of the first album are replaced by a ‘mature TESLA / EXTREME’ approach here, plus some ’90s NIGHT RANGER, HURRICANE, etc.

Actually, this isn't a return. Buzz has been doing stellar work for Bette Midler for years, although this has never garnered him the praise he earned with Paul Buttefield, Stevie Wonder, the Rascals (!) and Full Moon compatriot Neil Larsen. What this CD does allow is for Buzz to return his guitar work front and center, and the result is something that will stir both hips and ears, simultaneously. More»

Babys Union Jacks
Genre: Classic Rock/AOR
Country: England
Years: 1976-2007 More»

Country: Austria
Genre: Melodic Hard Rock | AOR
Years: 1996-2013 More»

Ten - Discography
Genre: Melodic Hard Rock/AOR
Made  CD: Japan
Country: England More»

Britton (USA) - Discography
Country: USA
Genre: Melodic Hard Rock
Years: 1988-2019 More»

With bands like the Killers, Interpol, and Franz Ferdinand breaking through in 2005, former Cars guitarist Elliot Easton and keyboardist Greg Hawkes got to thinking. With all this '80s-influenced music appearing on the pop charts, perhaps it was time to revive the Cars and reconnect with music fans. More»

Country: Canada
Genre: Melodic Hard Rock
Year: 2002-2006

Release year: 2007
Genre: Power Metal
Duration: 1:15:27

Only At Plotn08, mp3+m4a, Big Guns formed in 1985 after the release of Stephen Crane's solo record, Kicks (MCA 1984). Due to the departure of Irving Azoff and the consequent shock at the MCA that year, the album was released without promotion and left to itself, without being able to reach any chart of the time, even if, curiously, it was subsequently reissued twice in Europe, garnering rave reviews.

Country: US
Released: 2004
Genre: Pop, Rock

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