Exclusive reviews and promo records

Country: USA
Genre: Heavy Metal
Year: 2023

Its fake , not remaster High Roller Records - it's a 2020 re-release, a real remaster coming soon for subscribers High Roller Records is reissuing 2023 JACK STARR album, 1984’s ”Out Of The Darkness”, with audio mastered and restored by Patrick W. Engel. More»

Its fake , not remaster High Roller Records - it's a 2020 re-release, a real remaster coming soon for subscribers RHETT FORRESTER, former RIOT frontman who was tragically killed in 1994 in the streets in an unbelievable and senseless act of violence, released his debut solo album ”Gone With The Wind” back in 1984, now being reissued 2023 by High Roller Records with audio mastered and restored by Patrick W. Engel.

Its fake , not remaster High Roller Records - it's a 2020 re-release, a real remaster for subscribers High Roller Records is reissuing 2023 RHETT FORRESTER‘s album, 1988’s ”Even The Score”, with audio mastered and restored by Patrick W. Engel. “Even The Score” (originally released on US label Rampage Records in 1988) was the second and last official solo album by the legendary American vocalist. More»

Country: Europe
Released: 2023
Style: Progressive Metal, Power Metal

Genre: Heavy Metal
Year: 2023
Country: USA

Genre: Hard Rock / Metal
Year: 2014-2021
Country: USA

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Country of performer (group): Germany
Publication year: 1979

Country from: USA
Genre: Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal
Year: 2023

Country: USA
Genre: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock
Year: 2023

Country: Canada
Released: Aug 2010
Style: Heavy Metal

A few of the great albums are so crisp, so tight, and filled with so many great riffs they make fans think of them as greatest hits albums. Boston’s debut, Metallica’s Black Album, Deliverance’s Learn, Black Sabbath’s Paranoid, and Led Zeppelin’s IV come to mind. More»

Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Heavy Metal
Year: 2023



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