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I’m Rich, also known online as RichaadEB. I’m a guitarist and producer that specializes in arranging progressive metal renditions of well known video games, anime and television shows. You may know me from my official Undertale arrangement albums DETERMINATION More»

Metal Orizon was formed in 1990 in Gaborone,Botswana by the late Jarona Spencer Sekwababe(R.I.P.) and Bophelo Santos Thabakgolo.It is an Afro metal band which incooperates traditional African rhythms with Western influence riffs to create their own unique sound.

Country: Finland
Genre: Southern Metal

Germany ROMBACH ( EX Partners in Crime ), old school Hard`n Heavy Rock aus Neunkirchen/Saar. gegründet: 1998. we are walking in the traces of Deep Purple.

A modern Form of Metal mashed up with Progressive Elements. Fast and without compromise! Feat. Members of Scargod, ex-Shadows´Grey, ex-StormHammer, Serious Black & Edenbridge.
Born April 2017. A Band that kick your fucking Ass!

Mr Dave Parrish has played guitar with the iconic Scarab amongst others. Nigel Shaw played in Scarab amongs others.
Our maiden, Deborah is a songwriter who has partook in many projects and various Midland bands.
Spen ..played with Hostile .&.Trapperzat ..

Country: All
Year: 2017
Style: Power Metal, Hard & Heavy

Year: 2002
Style: Heavy Metal
Country: Japan

Armed with loud guitars, aggressive vocals, and thunderous drums this Chicago based group sets its attack on the music world with the intention of bringing Heavy Metal back to the masses.

Country: Japan
Genre: Neoclassical, Power Metal
Year: 2018

How to progress and yet keep the identity which took over 25 years to establish? How to create the ever evolving – and at times rather complicated – musical compositions and wrap it up in an accessible format with that recognizable sound? More»

Take yourself back thru the mists of time to circa 1983..... Phil and Julian (aka Sack) were playing in two different bands. Both bands broke up around the same time, so they decided to form a new band. Originally called 'Isis', but thi swas changed when Ebony Records showed an interest in signing us. Ebony thought the name was shite....and in hindsight I think they were right!

Year: 2018
Style: Heavy Metal
Country: Germany



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