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Recorded live at Cherry Bar, Melbourne on February 16th 2019,Ragdoll's mission is to dismantle the sometimes tired genres of classic rock, hard rock and progressive rock and rebuild them.

Succsexx was a funky, gritty and down and dirty rock ‘n’ roll at its best. Give their long awaited 2020 release a listen, and let the music do the talking.

Originally formed out of the ashes of short-lived super group M.A.R.S. in the late Eighties and reaching cult status based on the strength of a widely circulated 1990 five-song cassette EP that garnered the band a dedicated worldwide following, More»

I first became aware of Mancunian 5 piece Gorilla Riot at Ramblin’ Man where I was blown away by their performance on the Rising Stage back in July 2018 and caught them later that year at HRH CROWS in Sheffield where I picked up their EP ‘American Honey Vol 1‘.

The band’s website describes them as coming from the Deep South……….as in the south coast of England, not Texas! Like good whiskey, they are a definite blend. Country, blues, Cajun, rock and even splashes of Motorhead are put up on offer as influences, but I like the term ‘countrified rock and roll’, that is also mentioned.

Genre: Classic Rock/Hard, Blues
Country: UK
Year: 2011-2020

Genre: Hard Rock / Blues
Country: Netherlands (Amsterdam)
Year of publication: 2018-2020

The debut album of the Spanish group «Leather Boys», performing groovy and drive hard / glam. Meet! More»

"Ambush" (2020 re-issue) comes newly remastered at Medley Studios, Copenhagen, with extensive sleeve notes from all of the band members. Four bonus tracks complete the package including a live track featuring the line up that recorded the album. lt's a cold day in Kent in 2012 and Tygers of Pan Tang have convened at Ecology Studios to record their new album.

“United State Of Mind” is a superb album that brings together three very different UK music legends: the unique guitarist ROBIN TROWER, MAXI PRIEST and LIVINGSTONE BROWN. Three artists with distinctive, trademark sounds and styles that dovetail and fuse together, creating an excellent whole that’s full of classic rock atmosphere, allure and a whole lotta soul.

2012 album from the Rock 'n' Roll quartet. Sweet Creatures tells the story of two runaways that find each other on the street, and form a Bonnie-and-Clyde bond. Living together under the dark of night, they learn to survive by any means possible. In love with the danger, but in debt to their pimp, they blur the line between real love and love-for-a-living. More»

This is the one and only release from the talented Tennessee band fronted by blues vocalist Joanna Dean. Songs such as “The Hunger”, “Eye Of The Storm” and “Bad Romance” jam. There is also a cover of Nazareth‘s “Love Hurts” that features a duet of Dean and Cinderella‘s Tom Kiefer. Keifer and band mate Eric Brittingham also helped write a couple tunes on this album, including “Love Is Blind” which would have felt at home on any Cinderella album.


Prefix was founded in 1999 and has been with the same line-up since 2005. After numerous concerts at home and abroad, the band can look back on successful years and two released albums. Sgratta’m, the first album, has been out of print for years and the songs are still very well received at the concerts.



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