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Country: UK/Canada
Genre: Hard Rock / Glam / Blues
Year: 2022

Genre: Hard Rock/Sleaze
Year: 2022
Country: Norway

Comprising former members of both Cold Sweat and Lillian Axe, Las Vegas’ hard rockers GENERATION LANDSLIDE release their debut album ”Ruling The Street Scene”.


In their origins established in New York City where they recorded the first demos, WHITE LION later achieved multi-platinum success with a solid combination of skilled songwriting, extraordinary musicianship and, of course, bombastic, thoroughly entertaining live concert performances.


Sometimes it takes a few years until a band finds that perfect sound they have in mind for their songs. For the new album ”Untamed” by rockers BLACKRAIN, that’s exactly the case. Although already established as a strong act with their six previous releases and also very successful on tour (among others with Europe, Alice Cooper, Scorpions or Steel Panther), More»

Genre: Hard Rock / Glam Metal
Year: 2020
Country: Various

Hanoi Rocks - Street Poetry [Japanese Edition] (2007)
Country: Finland
Genre: Hard Rock, Glam Rock
Year: 2007

Genre: Hard Rock /Glam
Year: 2022
Country: France

Fellow readers of this website should remember VALERIE from Norway, presented on these pages some years ago with their debut CD. If you are new to them, you have the chance now to listen to this ambitious Melodic Hard Rock band as their album “Young Hunger” has been reissued, in the same version of the Demon Doll Records release including a bonus track.


Genre: Hard Rokc / Sleaze
Year: 2022
Country: Chile

Recommended for fans of H.E.A.T, Crazy Lixx, Eclipse, Hardline, and Stryper,17 Crash's new record "Stamina" isa much more complex and profound piece of work written entirely during the endless lockdowns from the 2020 pandemic that the world experienced. More»

'Crackin' Skulls And Crushin' Bones' is the debut album by Sydney based hard rock band Durty Triix. Written, recorded and produced by frontman Scotty Ginn (Boss, Rags N Riches) at his Mazz-XT Music Studio, the album is chock full of killer rock songs. It embodies everything that was great about 80's hard rock with a contemporary edge. The classic influences are certainly there - AC/DC, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Scorpions, but are fleshed out by Ginn's distinctive writing style.

Country: Australia
Genre: Hard Rock | Glam
Publication year: 2012-2022



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