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Superchucker - Widespread Panic! 2020
Canadian heavy metal rockers Superchucker consisting of lead vocalist Dave Barrett, drummer Robert Hassey, guitarists Shawn Pegg and Stavros Theodorakopoulos, and bassist Steve Macpherson will be releasing their full-length album Widespread Panic! on June 1, 2020.

Genre: Hard Rock/Glam/Metal
Year: 2020
Country: All

For the album 'Patrón' the renowned French band Loading Data (already toured worldwide with Mondo Generator, Royal Blood or Hermano) became PATRON, led by the singer Lo Patrón. More»

NOT the original recordings of these songs. And, if you notice, in some cases they aren't even the original bands but just the original lead singer (Stephen Pearcy, Bret Michaels, Dale Bozzio, etc). A time machine, I haven't heard some of these in ages. Great work!

Let's play a little game: you'll find on this record cover songs of, in n particular order, DEF LEPPARD, SCORPIONS, MANOWAR, ALICE COOPER, IRON MAIDEN, BLACK SABBATH, WASP et JUDAS PRIEST. Will you recognize them the Rondi's way

Genre: Melodic Hard Rock
Year: 2020
Country: Russia

Finding soulmates in those who bow before the ancient greats such as Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Cactus and Thin Lizzy, “Sudden Death”’s masterclass of sure-fire hits have us singing along and fist-pumping the air one after the other.

Country: USA
Year: 2020/Recomended!
Genre: Melodic Hard Rock/Hair

Strange Dogs - Strange Dogs 2019
Good Germany Hard Rock. It wasn’t until 2016 that the pieces of the jigsaw would fall heavily into place following the alien abduction of drummer Bulldrum. Having been probed relentlessly the erstwhile tub thumper was asked to select four bandmates for the purpose of demonstrating the worth of the human race.

Stradlin' Rosie
Category: Hard Rock
Year: 2019
Country: USA

Scarlet Rebels - Show Your Colours 2019
The melodic classic rock band Scarlet Rebels originated from the foundation of the rock band V0iD. Singer-songwriter Wayne Doyle, energetic and powerful drummer Gary Doyle, and bassist Wayne 'Pricey' Esmonde were completed by guitarist Chris Jones and second guitarist/keyboarder JoshTownshend, son of The Who guitarist Simon Townshend and nephew of rock legend Pete Townshend. More»

High Recomendos! Instrumental Rock. A perfect collision of 80s Sunset Strip Rock and Roll and instrumental virtuosity! On this album, Guitarist Taz Taylor, Bassist B.L. Firks and Drummer Val Trainor have managed to combine the swagger and attitude of 80's Sunset Strip with the musical virtuosity of the shred guitar boom which also peaked in that decade..

The album is a perfectly decent serving of funk rock, but it’s really nothing you haven’t heard before. Bands like Electric Boys, D-A-D, and Bang Tango were also bringing this kind of noise, and did a more memorable job of it.



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