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Country: US
Released: Jun 19, 2012
Style: Glam Hard Rock

BABY JANE born around 2007 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Almost 5 years after the band formed and several demos recorded, Baby Jane will release their first studio album "In The Spotlight", which is inspired by the journey the four piece combo has made with gigs in the nordic countries, Germany and Great Britain. More»

Phil Manca’s new album “Layers of Pain”, recorded in Canada, is a pure heavy metal album that draws a picture of multiple dark sides of humanity in our society.With his trusty Les Paul in hand, he perpetuates the tradition of the guitar-heroes while offering a modern production.

Genre: Power Metal
Year: 2023
Country: USA

Current Skid Row vocalist ERIK GRÖNWALL is releasing today a solo album titled “Eriksplanations Vol. 1“, where he performs covers of classic songs which inspired him became a musician. Since Erik joined the melodic rock band H.E.A.T in 2010 (recording 4 albums with them) he has been recording covers and featuring these on his Youtube channel. More»

This is the debut album for the band from Greece and the truth is that the whole atmosphere around this release, which called “Acceptance Of Reality”, is better than you thought. Hard Rock, Metal, Progressive Rock and if you listen carefully you may find some groovy touches.

There is a reason this band is called Last Giant. Riffs for days, wrapped in hooks, melody, and the mammoth back beats of drummer Matt Wiles. RFK Heise (Vocals, Guitar, Keys) has cited influences from Led Zeppelin to John Coltrane, Curtis Mayfield to Thin Lizzy, and The Stooges to The BeeGees. Last Giant's new album "Monuments" is muscular, direct, relevant, and incredibly satisfying.

6CD Treasure Trove Of Recordings From THIN LIZZY Vocalist PHIL LYNOTT’s Swan Song Project GRAND SLAM Knocks It Out Of The Park!

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Year: 2023
Country: UK

Country: Canada
Genre: Thrash Metal
Year: 2023

Metallic Blue Records will release for the first time on CD “Raw Delivery“, the LP released in 1986 by MEGATTACK, a five piece orthodox melodic metal band from Utah, USA, fully remastered. Megattack formed in 1985 and rocked the area with their own brand of American heavy rock.

Country: UK
Released: Jun 2, 2023
Genre: Hard Rock

9 June 2023 Release, Founded in 2019 in Stuttgart by Jay-G, drums (Shining, Sharon), Elkie Gee, vocals, (Ampyre, Antares), and Sorin Badin, a well-known Romanian guitarist (Cardinal, Samsara, Crystal Maze) under the name Front Row Warriors and reached its current formation 2020 with the addition of Richie Seibel, keyboards, (Lanfear, Ivanhoe, Them) and Timo Michels, bass, (5th Season, Pump). More»



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