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From a glance at their picture, this band seems to be too young to have a sound with the feeling of late Seventies and early Eighties hard rock. But this small five song EP finds Future Shock channeling some entertaining classic rock.

Fortunately, Future Shock has the chops, the musicianship, to develop this sound in a fresh way, avoiding, would could be, the possibility of cliche or homage. Future Shock gets to root of hard rock: big riffs, strong sense of melody, nice hooks and, notably, a strong groove.



Hailing from that Black Metal hotbed of Norway come the decidedly non Black Metal band Fastlane Flower. Yes, as difficult as it may be to believe, Norway has given us other metal besides Black Metal. Take Fastlane Flower for example, they have just released their debut album called"Deadline" and musically the band treads familiar hard rock/metal territory, but in their own energetic presentation. The opening song "Agent of Chaos" has almost a prog-like feel to it, thanks to the keyboard part near the middle of the track. Next up is "State of Emergency" which could have some mainstream appeal if given the chance. Some male screaming vocals are provided here and accompanied by a chainsaw like guitar riff that gets the job done. "Monkey Business" is next and after slower tempo to start the song, the band picks up the speed and tempo as this song races to its completion. "Blue Moon" is one of the heavier tracks that showcase a nice chugging guitar riff, before changing tempos from fast to slow and back again. Other highlights include: "Secret Archive" and "Before I’m Gone", "Coping With the Loss of Beauty" and "At the Rainbow’s End". In the end, some stuff on "Deadline" works and others not so much.  Still, Fastlane Flower has delivered a good effort for a debut album and one that should bode well for the future of this Norwegian outfit.



Thank you for this column to Rémifm very honest (this is what we want!)
"DEAD CRAZY N is a French group of the Oise, whose first album was released this month of June 2011.
And for a debut album of 10 tracks self-produced, the group offers a beautiful card.
I'll start with what I did not like on this album, that song.
Let me explain. Virgil SERVANTIE is an excellent singer, he masters his voice perfectly and its accuracy. In contrast, tone corresponds to styles Pop-Rock, Rock-FM, New Wave or Progressive Rock.
Out here, we have more to do with a mixture of Hard Rock / Metal sometimes a little soft!
So Virgil, that lacks power tends to force his voice a little to make it more aggressive and I do not like.
The length of the album, it ends even get tired.
I also add my grievances in the approach of a very English school (I mean the application and the desire to do well in the recording) and a slightly French pronunciation.





If you have not come across UK rock band Skarlett Riot yet that will soon change with the release of their new EP Villain on March 19th. Bristling with formidable sounds, confrontational attitude, and a bearing of its fangs, the release is mighty; a deeply gratifying feast of heavy and explosive riffs fuelled by instinctive melodies and barely controlled energy.Villain stomps all over the senses and then goes back to give them another kicking after reviving them with its invigorating charm and infectious sounds.

Formed in 2010 Skarlett Riot has already garnered fine praise and acclaim for their live shows and debut EP. Their sharing of stages with the likes of Taking Dawn, Crashdiet, Glamour of the Kill, Black Spiders, Forever Never, Deaf Havana, and Francesqa and recent successful appearance at the Tramlines Festival set them as a band to watch somethingVillain strongly confirms. With a sound that takes the essences of the likes of Paramore and Halestorm and twists them into a stylish rod of melodic prowess to fuse with the bands aggressive and intense rock n roll, the band are about to make a powerful statement with the EP, an affirmation and declaration of intent and power from one of the best emerging UK bands.



Darkness Visible", HOLYHELL's new studio release of epic, power-goth metal, will now be released as digital album and as physical CD in fall 2012. The band had originally planned to make the effort available in June.

"We know that our fans have been eagerly awaiting our new album and we are equally excited to share it with the world. However, conflicting schedules forced us to suspend the work in the studio to get ready for our upcoming summer festival tour," explained HOLYHELL keyboardist and producer Francisco Palomo.



Symphonic album with many features and techniques happening all at the same time. The mix of English and Italian  vocals expressed by vocalist ‘Barsi’ has opened up this album beyond limitations and this combined with the death metal growls powers its way through the path of the unknown. The solo guitars display great understand of not just ‘Neo-Classical’ shredding, but total understand of Blues and metal phrasing at its best. Heavily influenced licks such as those of Y. Malmsteen, J. Becker, and R. Marcello are frequently heard among the passages not only in the guitars but the keyboards as well. The great use of a full symphonic orchestra at their disposal has created atmospheric elements and textures to the overall sound of each track including the ‘Intro’ and ‘Von Braun’ which on the bonus track is quite simply exquisite to hear.



Andrew Appletree has announced the formation of his new band The Neptune Riders "Andrew Appletree & The Neptune Riders"

Andrew Appletree has announced the formation of his new band The Neptune Riders "Andrew Appletree & The Neptune Riders" In anticipation of his 2nd Album Titled Dragonfly Recorded Live @ Zen Recording. Release date to be announce shorty. The band line up for the Dragonfly Release is Steve Connelly , Bryan Thomson , Barry Waddell With Special guest Rick Derringer , David McGough Jenda Derringer Koko Ray Hansen , Henry Lawrence, Stephen Jacobs ,Tony Farina , Aimee Trachtenberg & Maddy Lou Turner .



First coming-out for the band SPEED Teutonic DOCTOR.
Actually there are four doctors who now have been serving the metal music, and hear them is a luxury, at least they know how to play as regards operations carried him pretty bad.

His music is quite difficult to label, Heavy Metal sounds, the voice can sometime reach the MetalGod remember, in this rare fusion there is also time for the Progressive and above, and as you will have proven, there are also some Speed Metal.The record label with which they worked, is the alemás MDD Records, which went on sale last May 18 debut "Face to Face".



After travelling, touring the world promoting their music Melbourne rock band Dakara Dirt is finally home and set to release their land mark debut release Miss Hollywood.
Lead vocalist, songwriter/producer Mick Brandon is not new to the music scene having already established himself as an independent musician in the LA underground, gigging and recording among some of USA’s elite musicians to even running his own studio and renting it out to the public.



Hoping to capitalize on the new era digital media distribution is Sweden rockers Confidence. Casting aside labels and CD releases, Confidence plans to release all their material in a digital format (although I got a CD, thank you very much), basically four to five tunes, twice a year. Hail the new technology. Prelude is their debut, their first toe in the digital stream so to speak.


Now...Melodic Metal From Greece

BandDream Weaver
Info: Mythreal
Style: Melodic Heavy Metal
Years: 2012
Info: mp3 ?BR 320
Info: 101mb
Upload:depositfiles unibytes gigabase share4web rapidgat
Info: Greece
Time: aorheart



I've never been much for the singer/songwriter genre, male or female. It's often too introspective and eclectic fare, both lyrically and musically. So here's Xenia Dunford, a transplant, or better an Eastern exile, to California from Boston. She offers five of her songs on her EP Lonely Streets.

It's rather light fare, with Dunford leading with vocals and electric piano. It's quiet, too. I've spun it twice, and almost fell asleep both times. Even the country liveliness of Best I've Ever Had couldn't rouse me like a 5-hour energy drinks. Frankly, the songs are also rather melancholy, almost depressing. I'm not so sure if it's the texture of the music or the lyrics, or both.




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