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If high scores were given for album art alone, New Jersey's Thank You Scientist would score big for their first full-length album, Maps of Non-Existent Places. I love sci-fi art from the classic period, especially when it's packaged in a format of early stereo records. Yet, what lies within? Something I couldn't have expected.

Here's a band of seven fellows, adept in many genres and very talented, playing about twenty different instruments, including cello, saxophone, and trumpet, to create ambitious progressive rock. I say ambitious when other words are also required. The arrangements are thick with complexity, significant mood and time changes, and individual showcase performances. There so much going on in every song, it takes several spins to wrap the arrangements around your head.



This quintet from Lillestrøm makes a clear and good debut album, "Muriel's Dance" on Ovis Records. It is quite clear where the band puts the list, and should probably be something for everyone who likes a little sludge, metal and rock. The music itself is probably not as exciting for the seasoned, perhaps, but there are some things that pull up on the execution. Among others it has scope to Daniel (vocals), which makes up well for the album. The jump from a little more Phil Anselmo on the rock-sections, and second, maybe Dan Svanøe the softer, shows that it does well to have some experience in the field vocalist. I assume that this is something the singer (s) will continue to stay focused on, since it did well at several places during this album.



On the ground italicize flag of U.S. school progressive metal (Dream Theater, Symphony X) seems to have taken root in a marked ... only in the last period on our virtual desk will be landed at least ten discs falling within this genre! Futile statistics aside, also present here Replosion, quintet led by brothers Galletto (guitar and drums respectively), and orbital areas of Mantua in Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia, may well be classified in the chaos of the kind mentioned above. What we believe can (and will increasingly) to this interesting group to emerge from the standard of the genre is a seemingly innate propensity to compose melodies well-aimed, that softened the difficulty and the high technical content of the songs and bring the proposal at levels more user friendly, allowing the band to avoid the trap of proposing mere exercises in style and technique. The latter is certainly present in all the work (the borrower guitarwork strongly the lesson of Romeo of Symphony X, blended with a drumming school Portnoy, amply demonstrate), but fortunately is not the only goal of the band, which seeks to move away from merely trying to put quotations in the overall sound a bit 'of sound speed and strength drawn from the power metal ("Push Me Down"), and also some shots of elegant rock settantiano, which help to soften the


Great Exclusive NOW!

Guitar like you’ve never heard before – A compilation of nine rock classics from Britain’s premier guitar maestro. If you like Van Halen, Joe Satriani and Steve Vai then you’ll love Dave Sharman.


Wrapping your head around Spiral's music isn't all that difficult. But their vivid imagination, that could take some time and resolve. This prolific duo, which has released nine singles and seven albums since 2009, brings atmospheric and ethereal prog rock, near to early space rock. As for the stories or concepts, let's just say that these guys think, well, differently.

At the very least, Aaron Frale (g,v) Chris Boat (b,k,v) are sci-fi geeks, or better imaginative fiction wonks. The story behind Mind Trip in A Minorcertainly flows from the latter. At the Bandcamp link, you can read more about a man traveling in his own mind, or not, finding a beast who eats his own heart, a snake that 'takes half of what he gives,' and girl who seems to save our hero, or not, from the same.



2012, OZ has always been one of the bands that only the underground metal movement coveted and hailed with swords high, but they never really caught on to a more level playing field of recognition. They made a splash with their 1983 album FIRE IN THE BRAIN, a New Wave Of British Heavy Metal-flavored energetic metal affair that won over critics and fans alike. The subsequent albums, however, failed to elicit the same response, and the band faded from worldwide view. Now the band is back with their latest album BURNING LEATHER and a new compilation of songs taken from III WARNING and DECIBEL STORM albums, and TURN THE CROSS UPSIDE DOWN- EP entitled VINYL TRACKS.



The Gin Act is the second shot for the Swedish sleaze band formed by singer John Elliot (their first being 2010's Lights Out) and hell... this EP slips down well.
First on the rocks is "Divine 69" with its twin axe attack, gang vocals and contagious chorus. "Delightful Lies" opens with an ironically mournful riff before theMaidenesque "Flickorna Pa TV2" (surprisingly written by a member of Roxette!) makes life a little heavier, nastier and definitely darker. What hits me throughout The Gin Act is melody -- and believe me it's served up in double measures. Elliot's diction is perfect, his sleazy delivery definitely West Coast, whilst guitarists Daniel and Blomman trade spacey power chords and fills with restrained and beautifully constructed solos. The rhythm section is heavy but subtle, making these guys tight but loose -- and I'm converted.



01 Crush of Love
02 Train of Angels
03 Lotus Feet
04 Love Thing
05 If I Could Fly
06 Hand On Heart
07 Lights of Heaven
08 Whispering a Prayer
09 Blood and Glory
10 Liberty



The band’s new CD, “Reflections from the Other Side” is going to be officially released worldwide on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 through InnerSphere Music! It will be available as a jewel case CD through various online merchants as well as your local metal CD retailer. It will also be available as a digital download through iTunes, Amazon MP3, Rhapsody, e.t.c.

We look forward to unleashing our latest effort as it contains the band’s darkest and and heaviest tunes to date! So get ready for some killer guitar and bass riffing, insane lead guitar shredding, and incredible singing and screaming!! And let’s not forget the double bass drumming, cause there is tons of it!!



One can say that there are no surprises left for us in music. We seem to have heard everything and everyone in all possible combinations and styles. Modern music lovers are very well-versed and it’s not an easy thing to surprise them. We live in the age where no pure genres are allowed though the mastery of performance is valued more than ever, people tend to mix and blend everything, change styles, try to collect the most distinctive features of each and make something original and truly eclectic. We know many bands combining heavy-metal with electronic and synthetic sounding, experimenting with folk instruments and very often a band sticks to the one chosen. So TRI STATE CORNER displays the similar situation: a bouzouki, which sounds much like an acoustic guitar in the Spanish style defines the approach of the band and becomes “the feature”. But it does sound original and sophisticated and I wonder why no one played like that before.


Now!Great Instrumental Guitar!

Child prodigy develops into as serious guitar wizard could be the headline for Johan Randen's very young career. At age 12, he played guitar with Sweden's eclectic prog trio Freak Kitchen. At age 14 he cut his first album, at 17 a second. Along the journey Randen performed with the likes of Bronk (Staffan Astner, Per Lindvall, Sven Lindvall), Janne Schaffer, Simon Andersson (Pain Of Salvation), Andreas Brobjer (Lady Gaga), Jonas Reingold (Flower Kings, Karmakanic) and many more. Cripes! Did this kid ever take time to watch Power Rangers?

Even the most cursory listen to his third album Summary reveals Randen's skill and genius. He's not only an exceptional guitar player, echoing everybody from Steve Vai to Jeff Beck to Steve Morse, but also an excellent composer. Every song displays his skills in an attractive arrangement, offering a complete experience.



2012, The sound of these five maniacs is typical for old German Heavy/Speed Metal-bands, like e. g. Steeler (STEELER and RULIN' THE EARTH), old Stormwitch, Fact or Atlain. The guitar-sound is typically raw for that time. They all were simply-structured, but effective (the songs of the METAL OR WHAT???-demo for all senses!). But they never get boring or stupid! The vocals of their singer Thomas Bennecke sometimes sound a bit weird but never disharmonic, so this unique style is what true fans of that kind of music want to hear, because bands like Reaper still keep the underrated Metal-movement of the past alive. All the music was remastered by Sasch Menschl without losing the spirit of the old recordings.



Braveride was founded by Marios Christakis (guitars and orchestration) in 2004 inspired by the early works of Manowar, Warlord and Bathory. This Greek band is a combination of Rhapsody of Fire, but then slower and a lot of folk metal.

They also create a sound that sounds a little old fashioned. Indeed Warlord and Manowar influences can be heard in their music. Flute tunes, big orchestral parts in mid-tempo songs is what they serve. In the second track I even hear similarities with the folk parts of Heidevolk. The keyboards are done by Karlos Vigato (Philharmonic orchestra of Veroaia) and female guest vocals are by Gaby Koss (ex-Haggard).




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