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NOW!London GOOD BYE...

London-based To-Mera took matters into their own hands and self-produced their third and latest album, Exile. It's concept album concerning some rather complex and perplexing matters. The protagonist, having faced hardship, suffering, and loss, places herself in personal exile to avoid any future harm. While in her self-imposed exile, she searches for answers about existence, humanity, and the meaning of life. Darn heady stuff. I'll leave it to you, once you buy the disc, to discover the answers she finds.

Coming to a new To-Mera album can be quite the challenge. They play true progressive rock and metal, that is, always pushing the boundaries of complex arrangements. While the music is compelling and the musicianship first class, it's hard to call To-Mera's prog overly accessible or commercially viable. But if it's intrigue and challenge you want, To-Mera's delivers to the full extent, and that makes Exile entertaining.





The Caribbean island of Trinidad is the birthplace of Dana Jade. Despite the cultural calypso musical background she was raised in, Jade spent her Summers in New York where she found the electric guitar and punk infused rock styles of Patti Smith and Hole more to her liking. In 2002 she emigrated to London where these early influences and the English live scene began shaping her own musical journey. Since then she has spent 3 years as part of the all-girl alternative choir Gaggle, performed at Reading, guested on Later….with Jools Holland and 2012 sees the release of her debut solo album.



KRYPTOS - though probably relatively unknown - has quite a history behind them. They may not have the biggest discography compared to other bands, but their origins grow farther back than their debut album. One of the first Thrash bands from India to do a cross country tour of Europe in 2010, the band finally began to get some international recognition. For those expecting a full on Thrash assault like that of SLAYER, think again! Trading fast, aggressive sounds for a rather groove oriented, mid paced tones, there is plenty of melody going around within KRYPTOS’ music. Sometimes, from the snarling rasp of the vocals, they feel a bit like they’re contrasting each other. But, in the long run, everything pans out smoothly. For the band’s third album, ‘The Coils Of Apollyon,’ the band expands on their sound while sticking to their roots, so fans should certainly lend an ear when considering the music here.


NOW! Motörhead+Pantera+Slayer...VERY

Thrash but not only. The disc of onset of Zombie Scars proposes to overcome the narrow spaces of the revival thrash offering a vision as less personnel of matter. An attempt is made now necessary, given the inflation that the movement, although relatively new, is already showing. No longer enough to know how to play, not just show love and passion, skill and attitude: we must have recourse to a dowry that only a few can actually boast the personality. The band, formed in 2011 from the ashes of the previous experiences of the guitarist and drummer Marco Francesco Riganelli Milloni (both ex-Fear Traders), proves that he already clear its ambitions and in little more than a year here comes the publication of this Revenant , which follows an EP Spirits, published in September 2011. Dates back to reality even as important as Blaze Bayley, DGM, Ciompo Rock and Pino Scotto, are part of a curriculum already quite rich, which sheds light on the will of this band is strong and determined.


NOW!Like a Led Zeppelin Rush Yes

Mike Pietrini's music is made up of an edgy. but melodic sound, with interesting lyrics/chord & riff sequences and lots of guitar layers.



Here's a tip on a plate that has a few months old. It's about the Danish singer Peter Larsen in april released their fifth album "City Lights". Here we are treated to great pop and rock in the style of Chris Isaak and Bruce Springsteen. "City Lights" is now available via Spotify. For those who want to know more about Peter Larsen and his music



French metal band Venturia returns with their third album, Dawn of a New Era, which could refer to their becoming a four piece act. Vocalist Marc Ferreira has been gone since 2009, with founder and guitarist Charly Sahona taking over to compliment Lydie Lazulli's leads.

Musically, however, this album could have been called Hybrid II, though it has a more commercial melodic metal feel than progressive metal. Venturia continues to pump in the sequences and synths, familiar to the previous work. Secret Dream, A New Dawn Rising, What We're Here For, and What If are all examples of Venturia mixing metal with a groove equally suitable for a European rave session or a heavy metal arena.



As we told you on facebook, not all these songs will end up on the album. In Charlie’s opinion, the best albums contains 10 songs. But it is really hard to kill any of these ones. We’ll see what happens.

The first single + video for the song The Lost River Band will be released in very soon.

And about the cover: It’s an old painting by Luis Ricardo Falero called “The Departure of the Witches” made in 1878, that we stumbled over a year ago, and it just screamed our name!



We are Seed of Sadness, a Female Fronted Melodic Metal band from Greece. We have just released our debout work

Seed of Sadness is a Melodic Metal band from Greece

Stellaria studied at Musicians Institute Macedonia, Greece. Since 2004 she is performing in various blues, jazz, soul, funk, latin, pop bands in Nothern Greece. Jimmy Nore is a well known Shredder in their region, performing flawless covers of famous guitar players such as Steve Vai, Andy James etc. He is also the composer and lyricist of all their songs. Mike G studied at Musicians institute Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Since 2005 he is teaching music to young students. Johny k is a virtuoso drummer from Xanthi who studied under the famous Greek teacher Anastasiadis. He is performing countless lives every year.


NOW!Like a Bob Dylan Bruce SpringsteenU2



It all started from an idea between the two basic and original members, Mikki (bass & vocals) and Cioxxx (drums) back in 2005. After several line-up changes, they settled down and Mikki finally took over the vocals as well. What they wanted to do was to play rock & roll with a little bit of garage & punk music without any compromises. Adding elements from The Hellacopters, Gluecifer, Imperial State Electric (mostly), Backyard Babies, Hardcore Superstar, Hanoi Rocks and so on... they started writing their own tunes. With lyrics talking about sex, fun, good time, drugs & girls you can’t bypass the fact that those youngsters wanna party all day long.



"Black Jack", the second LP of Power metallers of Spanish, will be available on Sept. 26 thanks to the Holy Grail Records label. Below you can see a promotional trailer, which contains extracts of the songs that make the album. Very interesting the proposal
of the band.




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