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1016568_10151978330803790_761780334_nOn Wednesday February 12th will be the official launch of the first Spanish group LP, Darmage entitled "The Fall of the Idols," which begin to be available on digital platforms and are completely may hear the Bandcamp grouping from that date. More»

WestworldjpgThe melodic hard rock band Westworld continue to work on their fourth album to be released via the company Frontiers Records later this year. For the upcoming album has even engaged by Bumblefoot (Guns N Roses), Michael Sweet (Stryper) and Bruno Kraler (Lane Slide, Bruno Rock). More»

Hard HoneyThe Canadian rock band Hard Honey coming later this year to release a debut album. In 2013 the band released a first taste in the form of the song "Shine On" .


DragonriderPower Metal band Jordana, Dragonrider, have Stream the new song "As We Raise the Flags of War," which features guest vocalist Mathias Jaden Adair of doom metallers, Adoros Living. The song will appear on the upcoming debut album of the group "Scepter of Domination". More»

grahamgreene2made in Aus/like a Joe Satriani Steve Stevens Steve Vai.Lord Of Misrule is the new EP from the Guitar Shaman from Oz, Graham Greene - four new tracks of melodic rock guitar with funky twists and hard rocking turns, with more than a hint of passion. More»

22222Finally unleashed the LADY BEAST album !!!
9 songs of pure Heavy-Metal Rock'N'Roll to break your neck & bones !


Ancestraldawn (1)The Power metallers originating in Peru, Ancestral Dawn, formed by members of bands like Hemoragy nautiluz and have published lyric video for "Rise of the Ancestor", we can hear on these lines.The single has Heidgert Jonas (Dragonland / Destiny) as guest vocalist as the ancestral god Virakocha. More»

dnrSoon release the rock band DNR a debut album which is called "Dreams Not Reality" where the single "Another World" is the first out.  More»

2222The CD was recorded at MP Studio in Poland, produced by Bart Gabriel (SACRED STEEL, CRYSTAL VIPER, BURNING STARR) and sound engineer Mariusz Pietka (LONEWOLF, SABATON, MORTICIAN). The cover and additional artwork was created by Nikos Markogiannakis (ROTTING CHRIST).


1111Argentinian composer Beto Vázquez announced that the new Beto Vázquez Infinity album will be entitled "Existence, Pt. II," the follow up to "Existence" released in 2010, and issued this year through Icewarrior Records.


1111This special 2 hour double disc compilation reaches far back into Knapp's history from 1988 to the present. Unreleased neo-classical instrumentals, never before heard Onward tracks and serious explorations into extreme musical genres.


1111We truly hope you’re a ready to ROCK! The Hair Metal express just keeps on rollin' and this time Demon Doll Records has teamed up with early 90's rockers TANTRUM to bring you their jaw dropping 9 song CD that will definitely get your blood flowing!

11111HYDRUS come from Colombia and are known in the Metalszene there quite surely. Colombia is known not exactly as a Metalexportland and from there it is quite remarkably the troop now foot also tries to touch internationally.




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