Country: Portugal
Genre: Blues Rock
Year: 2023

1.It Doesn't Matter (2:46)
2.Multiple Times (03:59)
3. Good Old Pair of Jeans (02:11)
4.Different Thoughts (3:13)
5.The Least Resistance Path to Harmony (3:37)
6.So Long (05:04)
7.These Arms (04:43)
8. Gonna Travel Far (03:21)
9.The Trade That Time (04:34)
10. You're Gonna Miss Me (3:38)
11.Brothers from Different Mothers (4:59)

line up:
Budda Gudes na voz principal, guitarras elctricas e acsticas, bandolim, coros e braguesa
Nico Guedes na bateria e percusses
Carl Minnemann no baixo, contrabaixo e piano
Joao Andressen on Harmnica
Joao Martins no Saxofone
Rui Pedro Silva no trompete
Alex Liberalli nos coros


mirror link on file:
Budda Power Blues – Budda Power Blues Collective (2023)
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