Country: United States
Genre: Thrash Metal
Year: 2022

01. Black Out (04:06)
02. Fallen Empires (03:58)
03. Leaders and Liars (02:40)
04. Lost Horizon (02:28)
05. Turn the Wounds (04:20)
06. Sheepdog (01:25)
07. Deception (03:37)
08. Generation Kill (03:14)
09. Looking Up (03:01)
10. One Life to Live (02:18)
11. Our Scene (03:13)
12. Just in the Sun (01:17)
13. Enough (02:31)
14. Remission (01:01)
15. Cyanide (03:29)


mirror link on file:
BillyBio [Billy Graziadei (BIOHAZARD and POWERFLO)] – Leaders And Liars (2022)
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