German guitarist Bernd Steidl releases on the album about once in ten years. The music is sustained in gloomy, gothic tones with solemn, orchestral arrangements. Steidl plays on nylon, so teipping and other accelerating techniques for him are almost inaccessible.

1. hrx (0:23)
02. Made in Germany (3:05)
03. Cobra (5:57)
04. Paganiniana 1 (2:02)
05. Paganiniana 2 (3:06)
06. Apocalypse (4:49)
07. Albinoni Adagio (4:16)
08. Dreams (3:10)
09. European Heaven (2:56)
10. White Nights (3:09)
11. Odyssey (3:40)
12. The Bunker (2:11)
13. Infinity (3:46)
14. Cyberworld (3:32)
15. Scriabin (3:02)


mirror link on file:
Bernd Steidl – Burnt Steel 2001
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