1aveItalian melodic metal act Avelion revealed the cover artwork for the upcoming EP "Liquid Breathing."

The EP was recorded, mixed at Silver Music Studio by Luca "X-Coc" Cocconi (The Modern Age of Slavery/Amassado) and Simone "Sygo" Sighinolfi (Hallucinator/Lowpitch) and mastered at Fascination Street Studios in Sweden by Jens Bogren!.

01. Liquid Breath
02. Ain’t No Down
03. Mechanical Faces

William Verderi [Lead Vocals]
Gianmarco Soldi [Guitars and Backing Vocals]
Oreste Giacomini [Keyboards]
Mark "Satir" Reggiani [Bass]
Damiano Gualtieri [Drums]

Password: Plotn08


mirror link on file:
Avelion – Liquid Breathing (2013) EP
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