Country: USSR
Genre: Art Rock
Year of manufacture: 1980 - 2005

1980-1982 - Autograph 1 (192 kbps)
Concert at the Ilyich House of Culture (1983) 256 kbps
Concert 1983 96 kbps
Concert at the Druzhba Concert Hall (1983) 192 kbps
Autograph 2 (1984) 128 kbps
The Truth (1985) 256 kbps
Live Aid (1985) 96 kbps
Autograph (1986) 192 kbps VINILrip
Autograph (1986) 320 kbps CDrip
The World in Itself (1989) 128 kbps
City (1989) 256
Stone Edge (1990) 320 kbps
Tear Down The Border (1991) 320 kbps
Tear Down The Border (1992 POLYSTAR CO.,LTD., MADE IN JAPAN) 320 kbps
Rock Encyclopedia (2003) 320 kbps
Stone Edge (Remastered 2005) 320 kbps
Ship (2005) 320 kbps
25 years later (2005) 320 kbps
Collection 2008 320 kbps


mirror link on file:
Autograph – Discography [1980 – 2005], 19 CD , MP3
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