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600x600 (2)now/italy

The Witche's Brew history officially begins in 2008 when Mirko Zonca ( pioneer of psychedelic grunge with the Nofuzz at the end of the 80es ) and Mirko Bosco ( former guitar player of the historical hard core band Disper-Azione in the mid 80es ), after various collaborations and solo projects, they meet to give life to a joint effort.
The idea is to propose a power trio heavily influenced by the 70es sound, in a decisively more aggressive and stout key, still manteining the vintage impact element. More»


NWOCHM cofounder of the band, appears at the end of 2005 in the municipality of the yardarm (department of Antioquia, Colombia).
Discuss deserter is talking about political and social issues due to the manifest interest of its members in these issues as a direct result of its members witnessed the reality of war in his childhood and youth, massacres, bombs, disappearances events he assume positions require serious and critical of the More»

infinity_factor-294x300now/usa/like a Arjen Lucassen Filter Iron Maiden

Visit site for more info HERE

Is anyone reading this old enough to remember Commodore computers, particularly the C64 line? No? How about the original Nintendo consoles? Maybe? If not, that’s okay, play along as if you know what I’m talking about. You see, these once-popular systems were great gaming platforms in their day. They had crude graphics and, back then, the music and sound effects in games tended to be quite high pitched. I’m not sure why, but people for decades associated the future and space and future space travel with high pitched sounds. Don’t believe me? Go hunt down episodes of the original Star Trek and More»


Someone lit a fire under Keith's skin, with the exhilarating, Symbolic Hemispheres. This Debut album from Keith Davies is a step in the right direction and shows off his many song writing talents. More»

600x600 (3)now/Symphonic Metal/Switzerland

We are very proud to annonce that our new album "The Straight and Narrow" is out NOW !You can order it in the Merchandising Page.The album will be available on itunes (etc.) on the 1st january 2013.Thank you all for your great support. More»

600x600 (2)now/UK/legend

The Damned must have been through approximately a million line-ups, but the Vanian/Sensible/Scabies/Gray line-up has always been my favourite, and this EP as an example of just how good they were in the early 80s.

When I had just discovered The Damned, "Disco Man" was my favourite song, and after dusting off the EP and giving it another listen, I was happy to discover that it's still as irresistable as ever. In spite of the silly lyrics, ("Take my hand, disco man/Are you just a one night stand?") it's so fun and infectious that it can get away with it. More»


best of the best



New Let's Cet Rocked Vol 20, incl.Bloodbound, D'Ercole, King's Call, Persian Risk, Sturm Und Drang, Tango Down, Richie Sambora,Rick Springfield and many more.

The Jeff Healey Band is known for their high-energy live performances. This special edition package features 3 very unique concerts their appearance at the 1989 Montreal Jazz Festival, in support of their debut album See The Light, a 1991 performance at Switzerland's St. Gallen Open Air Festival (featured on both CD & DVD here!) and a 1995 concert in their home town of Toronto, on the heels of the release of their Cover To Cover album.



Sub Genre: Instrumental Progressive Metal
Label: Within The Mind Records
Release date:  December 14, 2012 (Digital), January 4, 2013 (Physical)

The album mixes elements of Metal, Rock, Latin Music with Progressive and Ambient tendencies.


Style:Prog Rock

Full front
Country of origin:Spain
Location:San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country
Formed in:2001

This is one of the best hard rock albums of the 1980's...period. Cover to cover this is Dokken's best album. Unchain the Night starts it out and it never lets up. In My Dreams and It's Not Love will always be classics.



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