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Power Metal From Canada.Recorded and mixed at LFB Studio, Lévis, Canada.Additional vocals by the Hotel Miwaï Choir.

1. Speak to Me 07:30
2. Alone 04:57
3. Midnight Run 04:45
4. Pyromancer 04:45
5. The Fight Before the End 10:48



The new album by British group «Bright Color Vision», performing melodic blend of progressive and alternative - metal. Introducing!

1. Letarg, 04:31
2. Quakes, 04:46
3. Hope, 06:40
4. Monsters, 04:10
5. All The News, 06:44
6. Angel, 05:03
7. Blue Steel, 03:47
8. Vote For Us, 04:52
9. Freedom, 04:26
10. Harmony, 03:48



Since 2004 when the band’s self-produced debut 'Best Served With Volume' hit the scene, the industry was already putting their ears to the ground, picking up on the rumble that is HYDROGYN.
Described as the modern 'new big thing' band which would bring back the eighties melodies lost in the new millenium rock music, Hydrogyn never stopped to release albums.

To be honest, I never been much impressed by Hydrogyn. I liked the debut and the catchy 'Bombshell' (2006), but the subsequent two discs were insipid in my humble opinion.
Well, their new CD "Private Sessions" shut my mouth... as this is one of the best and original heavy rock albums appeared recently.
The CD shows Hydrogyn returning to their melodic roots combining edgy melodic hard rock sounds with a modern approach. We have heavy guitars, but also electronics. We have typical rock song structures, but also very modern patterns.
Don't be scared by what you are going to read now: imagine a mix of '80s metallic guitar riffs (with a modern sound), recent Def Leppard melodies, a spoon of Heart, a pinch of Evanescence and little touches of '90s Depeche Mode 'heavy-pop'.
I am drunk? No. And the best part is that works flawlessly. Bloody good I must say.

"Private Sessions" is modern hard / heavy rock, with cutting edge riffs, intelligent lyrics and massive hooks. And rocks.
The songs are really well written and cleverly draw on both heavy, hardrocking elements and on mellow, melodic and, at times, poppy, elements.
"Something to Say", for instance, evolves around a metallic riff while the verse is of the classic eighties-style pumping bass, while the chorus is extremely sing-along friendly.
A track like "Forbidden Kind" combines modern rock with a Def Leppard sensibility, and also features, due some electronics, a dark, atmospheric Depeche Mode feel. And I like it.
"I Don't Know How" balances between a mellow verse and a hard rocking chorus with some classic metal riffage, while "Heated Nights" is more of an all-out hardrocker, offering a great guitar solo.
"Creepers" is deeply groovy, full of heavy powerful riffs and nice harmonies that got stuck in my mind. One of my favorite tracks is "Roseline's Song", an example of how modern ballads can definitely be good and intelligent.

"Private Sessions" is an exciting album which blends edge and melody in a sound that is, at least, original and distinctive.
It's not that Hydrogyn is doing ground breaking or novel music, but there is something unpredictable about "Private Sessions". And this is exactly what makes it truly interesting.
Whilst lately the focus with Hydrogyn has mainly been on the rather comely lead singer Julie Westlake, perhaps it should be leaning towards the quality of their songs, which may take some time to reveal their beauty but most certainly do and then won't let go.
As said above, don't be scared. Get "Private Sessions", give it a proper listen, and you'll be hooked.
Very Recommended.

01 - Something To Say
02 - Forbidden Kind
03 - Scream
04 - I Don't Know How
05 - Heated Nights
06 - Creeper
07 - Don'tcha Walk Away
08 - Roseline's Song
09 - Feeling
10 - Un Monde Perdu
11 - It Doesn't Matter

Julie Westlake - Vocals
Jeff Westlake - Guitar
Chris Sammons - Bass
Joe Migz - Drums

By SandFord


The UK based metal band Damnation Angels releases their new album on 7th of March (first in Japan). The album is titled as "Bringer of light"

01. Ad Finem (2:12)
02. The Longest Day Of My Life (10:01)
03. Reborn (4:20)
04. I Hope (6:05)
05. Acerbus Inceptum (Pt. I) (2:24)
06. Someone Else (Pt. II) (5:51)
07. Bringer Of Light (Pt. III) (5:28)
08. Shadow Symphony (Pt. IV) (5:58)
09. No Leaf Clover (5:21)
10. Pride (The Warrior’s Way) (9:46)
11. Kurenai (bonus track) (7:17)



Tired of Iron Maiden turning into a progressive metal band? Longing for their old sound in new clothes? Willing to listen to an album sung in obscure language such as Hungarian? Feel like traveling, adventuring, going out with hot chicks?Then this is the album you need. This is how Iron Maiden would sound if they haven't ventured into progmetal waters in past years (or even decades? Time really flies...). Very fine heavy (sometimes also power) metal made in Hungary, even though this is just a kind of side project of Kalapács and Wisdom members, and not a regular band. But I think these guys should definitely keep pushing this project on and on - I wish there would be more heavy metal bands as good as Ego (or Ego Project, as they also call themselves).Oh and by the way, you don't need to be afraid of Hungarian language - this is a 2-disc album with the same content on both, but CD1 has Hungarian lyrics while CD2 has English lyrics. Really, this is how dedicated these guys are, trying to comfort all kinds of fans. It's also a very tricky thing to do - they made me listen to the same album twice in a row, which is normally impossible even for the best of the my best albums. But I think I'll be adding this one to my top 2010 list anyway, so it's not like it was a wasted time. Check this out if you like some classic heavy metal.

01. Aréna
02. Tízperces bálvány
03. Csak a szív
04. Az utolsó ember
05. Legyen elég!
06. Csak ennyit tegyél
07. Megkopott zenész
08. Ne hazudozz!
09. A világ urai
10. Ego
11. Pár sör és pár barát
12. The Last One (angol verzió)
13. Enough Of That (angol verzió)
14. Used Musician (angol verzió)
15. Ego (angol verzió)



 I can`t stay home at night It seems like I am sick Out there the moon is shining And TV is for freaks I need to get away Look for some ass to kick, yeah The night is calling me Like a siren calls the seaman And you can see me Through the night I`m used to resting When the sun begins to shine And if you ask me I will not lie I`m proud of doing What all the people need to hide Everyone`s telling me a lot of trash About my unscarred attraction For what is bad for health All that doesn`t kill me makes me stronger I`ma guy who`s hungry For what is bad for health Life’s just about being happy You talk about death It ain`t your business (It`s double talking) While I am strong And death doesn’t come I don`t care I`ll keep myself doing that 24 beer bottles It`s not for everyone I see those girls around me In a little while we`re gone Next night is the same old story Which bed will I wake up on? It`s better I enjoy now Cus` tomorrow I won`t make it And you can see me Through the night I`m used to resting When the sun becomes too bright And if you ask me I will not lie I`m proud of doing What all the people need to hide Everyone`s telling me a lot of trash About my unscarred attraction For what is bad for health While I am strong And death doesn`t come I don`t care That is my fucking way of life If you don`t like it Get in line I just made up my mind I`ll just leave it all behind One who`s born to rock 

1. Bad For Health (3:50)
2. The Dreamers Disease (5:19)
3. Don’t (4:47)
4. Snake Blood (5:23)
5. Heal Me (4:50)
6. Breathless (5:03)
7. Amnesia (4:55)
8. Living On Addiction (5:22)
9. Loveproof (4:23)
10. Daring The Dawn (4:26)



FIRESCENT comes from Germany and was formed out of the dissolved MINDCRIME. They describe themselves as influenced by the Scandinavian Metal, namely KATATONIA, and come from a premise of melancholy and darkness. They also rather ambitiously claim to be “hardly comparable to anything being heard so far”, and whilst I concede that the spirit of creativity is definitely there and that they possess their own unique “flavour” I cannot really say that their sound is as original and groundbreaking as the claim would have you believe but the music is of a truly good quality regardless of that boastfulness. The lyrical content deals with some difficult times and resulting emotions and it seems that they strive for their closure and resolution. Also the Scandinavian influence reaches further out to England - Halifax and Liverpool respectively, as you can also feel references to PARADISE LOST and ANATHEMA there, representatively ‘Moving Skywards’ shows the doom and melodic death metal leanings quite well. NEVERMORE may be your next point of reference.

The progressive and even more rock-sounding parts are quite unobtrusive and the weaving of the different trends and its elements is commendable. ‘Convenience Mark’ is one of the best tracks, also a fusion of styles, the changes of tempo and shading of emotions by them is quite striking, the song is strong and even beautiful. ‘Concrete Shores’ has quite an imaginative beginning with harmonica, birds and ship sounds - which sounds clichéd but is well done here - and especially in a way that brings an atmosphere of foreboding broken up by a more breakneck speed guitars & drums and probably more of its nod to thrash metal. ‘Passengers Theme’ is a rather beautiful closing track; the vocals are at their most outstanding here as well as the guitar work in slower parts, thinly shadowed by strings with some solos coming in the mid-tempo and within the faster tempo there is even a small bit of a feel of epic metal to appreciate.  The sound of the waves fades out the album out rather nicely. I felt that the sequencing of songs should have been done better with a bit of pruning to be done, but still, it’s a truly good album with some great moments on it from a band that should be signed already, very promising.

01. Ascension theory (4:59)
02. Silent Solitude (5:59)
03. Moving Skywards (6:24)
04. Convenience Mark (5:15)
05. Concrete Shores (6:23)
06. In Response To Light (5:24)
07. Revealing Fire (4:48)
08. Astonishing Synopsis (4:10)
09. Passengers Theme (6:00)
10. Transmission Lane (Bonus Track) (3:37)



Father Golem began in 1999 from the metal Zero bass band. The idea was to open a bit the musical spectrum of the Group and opt to use other kinds of lyrics and melodic tracks to express what they had inside.

Three discs include them, many concerts, much suffering and wanted to be known have served them so you do get his music and so his fantastic work in the extended news comment. You can listen to the album on Spotify.

Perfect Chaos
A fledgling rhythm guitar increases us the curiosity until the riff of the item, powerful and robust, us explodes in the face. Quality cane, stoppages play, rhythms of Arab influence and a versatile voice do the rest. Huge opening theme.

Circle of Light
Riff more rock to old-style than the previous and the Court in which the Group demonstrates its huge musical background. More pure and hard metal touches and great melody make this song a topic at the same level as the best bands of the European metal. The bridge is spectacular.

Sole Survivor
Item in which combined parts metallic and dark with beautiful melodies in a calmer musical environment. Great mix.

Last Man on Earth
Possibly the best track. There are touches of Maiden, of Stratovarius, Metallica and the own Father Golem return to offer us a beautiful instrumental bridge. For framing.

Theme that explores other kinds of musical land. The approach is much more progressive that other cuts and this half-time becomes the jewel hidden on the disk.

The Evercycling Journey Part 1: Trapped Among Gravity Fields
This song reminds us of many of which were recorded in the 70 by progressive rock bands. A long item, Although all the previous pass of 8 minutes, with a solid structure, with their parts clearly differentiated and precious.

The Evercycling Journey Part 2: Impact!
Get the pure cane band distilled as anyone. Huge work group in the musical and singer who proves to be a great vocalist. More progressive touches and a grand historic finale.

Little else is there to say. A ti, reader/a, I advise that you hear them and that you go to see him in his conceTo youotros, Group, I would say that you do not say that ye are Spanish, would perhaps so you hire as "the great promise of the European metal" or something so. But know this, the irony, your disk has too much quality to the listener means metal in Spain. Try the disc in other countries and will be one of the best bands of the old continent. Masterpiece.

1.Perfect Chaos 07:29
2.Circle of Light 09:49
3.Sole Survivor 07:24
4.Last Man on Earth 09:30
5.Infrared 08:20
6.The Evercycling Journey Part 1: Trapped Among Gravity Fields 04:32
7.The Evercycling Journey Part 2: Impact! 07:37


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01. Collapsed (3:54)
02. Last Dilemma (3:43)
03. The Tools of My Redemption (4:51)
04. The Fall (5:13)
05. Anesidora (4:10)
06. Scent of Darkness (6:45)
07. Until the Dusk (6:45)
08. Alone With My Fear (5:43)
09. The 6th Part (3:26)



With their third album, World Under Fire, England's Vendetta stays the course. Lead guitarist extraordinaire Edward Box, the band delivers another platter of classic melodic heavy and power metal, charged with Box's often politically and socially charged lyrics.

Vendetta Band Photo
Vendetta: trying to blend in.

 Is World Under Fire as good as the two previous efforts? I wasn't sure after a first listen, during a five mile walk. But a second spin cured my ambivalence. This is a good album, but hardly different from what we've heard in the past. Musicianship, as usual, is exceptional and, of course, Box rips it up on guitar.

Also song composition holds no real surprises. If anything, with only a few exceptions, nothing is overly outstanding or compelling, rather simply the quality and caliber we should expect from Vendetta. Those choice cuts come latter on the album including Fragmented Reality, The Ghost Inside, and Lords of Chaos. That last song with Blast Radius offer Box's political commentary. Another kudo to the lyrical side goes to Halo in Black, a slight to celebrity.

Reading the above, it may appear that I'm still being ambivalent or indifferent aboutWorld Under Fire, but that would not be the case. I like this album. It merely deserves more than a cursory listen. Having done so, World Under Fire is easily recommended, and a worthy addition to Vendetta's growing catalog.

Band Vendetta

Info: World Under Fire
Years: 2012
Info: UK
Style: Heavy Metal
Tracklist: Mp3 320kbps
Info: 102.64 MB

01. Convergence (00:35)
02. Halo In Black (04:00)
03. Machtpolitik (04:25)
04. Veil Of Empathy (04:46)
05. Blast Radius (05:25)
06. Lords Of Chaos (04:36)
07. Fragmented Reality (04:16)
08. The Ghost Inside (05:00)
09. All Your Setting Suns (07:10)
10. We Are Legion (03:56)

Edward Box - Vocals, Guitar (Edward Box, ex-XLR8R)
Pete Thompson - Guitars
Gary Foalle - Bass (ex-XLR8R)
Lee Lamb - Drums

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LONEWOLF, is currently mixing their brand new studio album titled Army Of The Damned, at the MP Studio in Poland (the same one, which was lately used by acts such as SABATON, and MORTICIAN). The album was produced by Bart Gabriel (JACK STARR'S BURNING STARR, CRYSTAL VIPER), who also produced their latest full lenght release "The Dark Crusade" from 2009. One of the new songs was recorded with a special guest appearance of the ex-IRON MAIDEN singer Blaze Bayley.

???????????: Lonewolf
??????: Army Of The Damned
???: 2012
?????: Heavy Metal
??????: mp3, 320 kbps
??????:  116 Mb

01 Lonewolf
02 Crawling To Hell
03 Army Of The Damned
04 Hellbent For Metal
05 Soulreapers
06 Celtic Heart
07 The Last Defenders
08 Cold
09 The One You Never See
10 Tally Ho
11 One Second In Eternity




Hailing from the Newcastle music scene are a female fronted touring Hard Rock band by the name of Riff X. It’s a risk aiming to successfully combine influences of Classic Rock, Blues, Punk and Metal all at once, but this is what Riff X do – writing music they love and infecting those around them with it.

Formed in March 2010, the band started to conquer their local circuit building a reputation for themselves as one of the hardest rocking bands around. After a line-up change in February 2011 the band embraced that reputation and started building on it, delivering energy, enthusiasm and rock ‘n’ roll.

2011 was an eventful year for Riff X; seeing them start gaining nationwide recognition, touring through England and Scotland, winning the annual Bubbles battle of the bands and sharing a stage with the likes of Gallows and Funeral for a Friend at the Cockermouth Rock Festival. Their debut EP ‘Bruises’ was received with high admiration, being described as “the instrument to propel Riff X to national attention” in a Deviant magazine review.

The band are now geared up for 2012; with another new addition to the band, a new single, a fine-tuned live set, and they’re hitting the road hard – gigging relentlessly, showing the world what rock n’ roll should be!

Watch out for Riff X, both on record and especially in a live environment. In their words, “we pride ourselves on being a live band. We want to get our music out there, tour as much as possible and make as many friends and fans along the way, because it’s what we love to do.”

In short, a driving beat, infectious riffs, melodic vocals and an unrivalled passion is what makes Riff X – and they’re coming your way!

“If you like your Rock catchy, heavy and passionate then Riff-X are your one stop shop for sure.” – Randy ‘Wicker Man’ Demerera.

BandRiff X
Info: Search For A Better Day
Style: Melodic Heavy Metal
Years: 2012
Info: mp3 ?BR 320
Info: 12mb
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Info: :UK



01.Search For A Better Day


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I have to listen to quite a few CDs of guitar virtuosos, ranging from shredders to almost classical acoustic pieces and everything in between. Listening to these CD’s is no punishment, because they are mostly fine CDs of gifted musicians. But quite often it is more of the same; I rarely hear a guitarist with a recognizable or unique sound or style. Despite the fact that his sound and technique are not really unique or innovative, his guitar work is still very recognizable. Jeff Loomis. After the powerful - and highly appreciated - solo debut ‘Zero Order Phase’ Loomis now releases his second album ‘Plains Of Oblivion’. And again the former Nevermore axeman is able to fill an album with songs with fabulous guitar parts. But I have to be honest: it is not really surprising anymore…...

When he recorded his debut album Loomis was still a member of Nevermore. I had the idea that you could hear that in his music ('Devil Theory', 'Shouting Fire At A Funeral'); great thrashy riffs that came blowing out of your speakers. On this new album I think I can hear that he is no longer a member of a (thrash) band. Loomis has become a guitarist more like Marty Friedman and Jason Becker; we hear less power riffs and more (much more!) solos. There are also a few great guitar duels between Jeff and people like Tony MacAlpine (‘The Ultimatum’) and the aforementioned Friedman (‘Mercurial’). What is also striking is the fact that there several tracks with vocals. We hear Ihsahn (yes, from Emperor!) roar in 'Surrender' and Christine Roades (‘Dreaming Neon Black'!) sing a few tracks, including 'Closing Time' which is remarkably accessible. The rhythm section is formed by Dirk Verbeuren (Soilwork) and bassist Shane Lentz, with whom Loomis came into contact through YouTube. All in all a high quality, but also somewhat predictable album.

Band Jeff Loomis
Info: Plains Of Oblivion
Style: Progressive Metal
Years: 2012
Info: MP3 CBR 256
Info: 101??
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Info: USA


01. Mercurial (Feat. Marty Friedman) (5:30)
02. The Ultimatum (Feat. Tony Macalpine) (4:40)
03. Escape Velocity (4:30)
04. Tragedy And Harmony (Feat. Christine Rhoades) (5:01)
05. Requiem For The Living (Feat. Attila Voros) (4:53)
06. Continuum Drift (Feat. Chris Poland) (5:38)
07. Surrender (Feat. Ihsahn) (5:30)
08. Chosen Time (Feat. Christine Rhoades) (4:33)
09. Rapture (2:44)
10. Sibylline Origin (4:34)

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