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PATHFINDER were in the past two years, THE rising bands and their strong debut album "Beyond The Space Beyond The Time", they were able to establish itself very quickly throughout the scene. The album caught dozens of positive reviews and was considered by many to be THE power metal album 2011th Thus, there have been the Poles with their debut album made it very difficult, because the expectation is of course already extremely high and it has set a relatively high standard. PATHFINDER Now for something more than a year already back with their sequel to "Beyond The Space Beyond The Time." "Fifth Element" is the good part and mixed by Sascha Paeth distinguished himself, who might be out there some one term.


HEADSPACE began as an outlet for Adam Wakeman--the keyboardist for both OZZY OSBOURNEand BLACK SABBATH, and son of YES mastermind Rick Wakeman--and a close circle of his musician friends. There were no preconceptions of launching a progressive rock band, and certainly no visions of grandeur-- they just played music that they loved.

"We're quite open about our influences because that's the music that we love," the band comments."There's RUSH, YES, GENESIS, a lot of bands. We even give a tip of the hat to DREAM THEATER in a few sections. That's all a part of what we are." 


The history of Italy's Adramelch dates to the late 1980's with a seminal progressive metal album Irae Melanox. As is the case with so many bands, Adramelch dissolved after several years. History continues to be sketchy, but it appears they reincarnated in 2004 and then cut Broken History in 2005.

Now they're back with their third effort Lights From Oblivion. The band blurs the line between several genres. This album is equally melodic rock as it is progressive rock, and sometimes it can near prog metal.

What makes Lights From Oblivionso intriguing is the band's ability to put so much music in, generally, short compositions. Most songs clock in at five minutes, but offer lots of variety, intrigue, and excellent musicianship. Notable is the guitar solos and bass work. But that unfairly minimizes the other participants, all of which are extremely talented. The wild card here are the vocals from Vittorio Ballerio. He's a good singer, yet sounds, throughout the album, somewhere between anguished and unsure. Yet, he still fits, and his style grows on you. Go figure.


Fall From Grace have faced their fair share of adversity, but they conquered it by subscribing to the creed that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And “strong” is a good adjective to describe this album’s sound: part modern rock, part power-pop, part punk, and part hair metal, the conglomeration of elements all prettied up with a polished production that is slicker than K-Y Jelly on a stainless steel pole yet never crosses the line into sugarcoated crassness.

Hooks are the heart and soul of this album; The Romance Years has more hooks than a fishing derby. While Fall From Grace have their own identity, their brand of infectious rock bears more than a passing resemblance to acts like Marvelous 3 and 40 Ft. Ringo. The band is very fond of thick backing harmonies; there haven’t been this many gang vocal “Whoas!” on an album since the ‘80s pop-metal peak. Most of the choruses are designed to be anthems, soaring addictively over the top, the kind of songs you can sing along to before your first listen even ends.


Info: My Demons
Style: Melodic Power Metal
Years: 2012
Info: mp3 VBR V2
Info: 32 mb
Upload:depositfiles unibytes gigabase share4web rapidgat
Info: Norway
Time: aorheart

Melodic metal in the vein of Avantasia from Norway. PelleK is marvelous singer/composer and great musicians/vocalists appears on this album such as:  Oliver Hartmann(Hartmann, At Vance, J.S Blackmore), Amanda Somerville (Avantasia, Trillium), Tommy ReinXeed (ReinXeed, Golden Resurrection), Tommy Karevik (Seventh Wonder).


Band Sebastian Bach
Info: Angel Down
Style: Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Years: 2007
Info: CBR 320 kbs
Info: 154.12 Mb
Info: USA



One clue to Brent Enman's musical heritage and style is revealed on one signature song, 'Man of the Past,' from his debut disc Wildman. 'Please get me outta here, to 1969, that's when I want to be alive,' Enman croons, 'then I'd be feeling fine.' Enman's interest is in classic rock, maybe not quite as far back as '69, but definitely mid-Seventies to early Eighties.

Enman is a musical prodigy, talented multi-instrumentalist who performed every instrument, and all vocals, on Wildman. It's the culmination of a life long dream, and he certainly captures the classic rock sound. However, 'Wildman' may be a misnomer for him and this album.


Canadian hard rockers DANIEL BAND are undoubtedly one of the pioneering forces behind '80s American Christian Hard Rock.
They debuted in 1982 with 'On Rock', and subsequently recorded four albums. Despite its arena rock hooks and heat, surprisingly attracted limited attention largely due to bad mangement and promotion.
Daniel Band has never officially broken up, although a farewell concert was held in Toronto, Canada in 1988. The band has reformed for the occasional gig over the years, including the 2001 Cornerstone Festival appearance that was recorded and released on CD. The band members have also been involved with various side projects including vocalist McCabe's project Dreamer.



American Dream include 11 new tracks, the band are working with Bruce Witkin, Ryan Dorn and Carlos 'Apple G' Orellana in a co-production effort. Vocalist Ron Young recently checked in with BW&BK and offered the following update: "The new album will be up for sale in about three days on iTunes, two weeks from our website, and in about three to four weeks from distributors. The more people that start playing it and hearing it, the better!"



Formed amidst the Steelworks town of Corby, Northamptonshire, their very own first chapter was born: ‘Chapter One’ and set the scene for Viking Skull. Top notch reviews were abundant and a landmark 11/10 review from Metal Hammer lead the band to secure a busy touring schedule supporting the likes of Alice Cooper, HIM, Clutch and Dio! 2005 saw Viking Skull release ‘Born in Hell’  but we believe a bottle or two of Absinthe is to blame for what then became a two year break… isn’t it always!


Band Robby Musenbichler
Info: Hymns & anthems
Style: Melodic Rock
Years: 2012
Info: mp3 VBR ~ 320
Info: 54.8 mb
Upload: ?????
Info: Austria
Time: Plotn08 (ecxclusive)

Now...From Germany

No doubt POINTERS HEAD belongs to the live bands, they not only open a barrel, they shut it again! And they do this with an intensity that all immediately makes it clear in which direction it goes: next! After ten years finding, patience, development and hard work, place 2 in the category ' hard'n'heavy of the "German Rock & Pop Award can 2006" and successfully seasoned European Tour 2008 with L. A. Guns, POINTERSHEAD enters now, perfectly positioned, the entire world with the concept album "Worst Case SOCIETY" into the socially battered face. With a remarkably rich sound, distinctive 80he influences and a brimful scoop of pressure, recruited POINTERS HEAD evening for evening tirelessly supporters of the head army. It shall be closed to focus these days on a world, which overruns us again and again with pursuing crosses. POINTERSHEAD takes degree and hits the bullseye. And the head army moves with "Worst Case Society" through the countries and mobilised to cogiatation and dissenting.



The last Steve Cichon album I heard was 2010's "Cranial Feedback", a release that was full of skill and technique, but ultimately not that exciting. New one "Heavy Sleeper" is a similar beast, though fortunately the adrenaline levels are pumped up several notches making it a lot more then mere background music.

The sound is still a combination of jazz, prog metal, hard rock and occasional electronica, but a lot more effort has been put into the variety and the spunkiness of the rhythms this time. Gone are the stupid live crowd effects, gone are the very fake drums, being replaced by fake but considerably better percussion sounds. The result is enthusiastic, interesting and a lot more energetic than the guy on the artwork.




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