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Messenger_metalfinalThe German formation, Messengers, has revealed the theme "Salvation", which is included in its next long-term "STAR WOLF - Pt.I" which was produced by Rolf Munkes (Majesty, Razorback, etc) in the Empire Studios, and has been responsible for mastering Andy Horn at the Red Room Studio (Edenbridge, Lanfear, Rob Rock, Liv Kristine, Majesty, etc ...). More»

Violent Silence - A Broken TruceCountry: Sweden
Sub Genre: Symphonic
Label: Progress Records
Release date: July, 2013

The new Violent Silence album is called A Broken Truce and will be the most epic thing they've done so far song-wise. It will consist of four elaborate, complex and dynamic tracks that all stretch past the 10-minute mark. All tracks have a different feel to them. Compared to earlier albums, A Broken Truce is slightly more melodic, and not quite as fast and heavy as some of their earlier material. Although the heavy element is still there, it's just less pronounced this time around, just to make things a bit more interesting for everybody.  More»

Lalu - Atomic Ark (2013)Sensory Records announced the signing of the contract with the group LALU, which is headed by French composer Vivien Lalu. As the author of the music, as well as performing all the keyboard parts, he drew for recording vocals Martin'a LeMar'a (MEKONG DELTA), bassist Mike'a LePond'a (SYMPHONY X), guitarist Simone'a Mularoni (DGM) and drummer Virgil'a Donati (PLANET X). Disc recording took place in several countries, including the United States (Los Angeles and New York), Germany and Italy, and the reduction took place in a More»

Swedish Hitz Goes Metal Vol. II2011, the guitarist Tommy ReinXeed and his band great success with the album Swedish Hitz Goes Metal which this fall will get a sequel. This time we hear songs from, among others, Robyn, The Cardigans, Meja, Loreen and Abba. Listen to a sample from the album via the clip below.


cover-WEB (1)The Metal and formation of Sinfonico, Siren's Cry, to edit their debut album "Scattered Horizons" next September 3. Work is Produced by Katie Joanne & Phillip Porter, Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios in Finland. The album was recorded at Wildone Music Studios in Vienna, Austria. The cover was done by Gustavo Sazes (James Labrie). More»

romaThe Romanthica Spanish Gothic metallers have put on sale from September 9 debut album titled "Eternal." The album features special guest Liv Kristine (Leaves Eyes, ex-Theatre of Tragedy), singing for the first time in Castilian on "Awake". More»

TaberahNecromancerHeavy metallers The Australians, Taberah have revealed cover and list of issues that are part of their second studio LP "Necromancer", to be published in August via Dust On The Tracks Records.The CD included the engineering of Theo B (Scorpion), produced and meclado by Joe Haley (Psycroptic) and mastered by "Stu Marshall" (Death Dealer, Empires Of Eden, Dungeon, Paindivision). More»

5portadaKantation, the formation of Power / Heavy Metal, the United States, will the release of his self-titled debut album, on 21 September. Home, tracklist and disk samples under these lines: More»

onlyrica hellbenderOnliryca, the musical project of Heavy Metal / Hard Rock, led by singer / songwriter Leonor Marchesi and the Composer / Producer Juan Revilla, has offered for sale in Argentina and neighboring Countries her album "Hourglass", through the Fonocal seal. Details of the work on these lines: More»

hakenCountry: UK
Sub Genre: Progressive Rock/Metal
Label: InsideOut
Release date: September 2, 2013
London based progressive rock/metal outfit Haken is about to release their 3rd album called The Mountain (reviewed here), which is one of the top releases in this musical genre this year. Ruud Peters took the opportunity on board to ask guitarist Charlie Griffiths some questions to find out more about the band, the new album, the song writing and much more.


The SixxisThe Sixxis must have more than a few music angels watching their backs. They've gone from releasing this self-titled debut album to touring Europe, twice, first with Wishbone Ash, and currently with Mike Portnoy's The Winery Dogs. So what's all the buzz about? More»


The Hard Rock animals in Wine South have been around for a decade and their new material is smellin like the Sunset Strip in the early 80’s. More»

Thor coverThe 15th studio album of Canadian training Thor, entitled "" Aristocrat of Victory "," hit stores supported by the German label Iron Pegasus Records. The job details below: More»



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