Alae Noctis is a Spanish Retrowave band founded in the late 90's whoose sound has been always characterized by its eclecticism, showing a clear tendency to recover the sound of past decades, especially the 1980s.

1 Arcane Judgement - Alae Noctis
2 Fallen Saints - Alae Noctis
3 Slave Brain - Alae Noctis
4 Damnation - Alae Noctis
5 Voodoo Bluesman - Alae Noctis
6 Black Triangle - Alae Noctis
7 Madre Oscuridad - Alae Noctis
8 Ritu Ex Mortuis - Alae Noctis
9 The Awakening - Alae Noctis
10 Bad Business - Alae Noctis
11 The Limits of Life - Alae Noctis
12 Shadows in Time - Alae Noctis
13 Win or Die - Alae Noctis
14 Good Evening Mr. Shade - Alae Noctis
15 Sicario Del Destino - Alae Noctis
16 Antiheroe Del After-Punk - Alae Noctis
17 Evil Ways - Alae Noctis
18 Rising from the Grave - Alae Noctis


mirror link on file:
ALAE NOCTIS – Rising From The Grave [deluxe Edition] 2013/2016
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