Country: Switzerland
Genre: Symphonic Metall
Year: 2021

01. Reinvented (03:22)
02. Unstoppable (04:13)
03. Inferno (03:56)
04. Your Enemy (03:51)
05. Afterlife (feat. Nils Molin) (03:35)
06. Breathe (03:08)
07. Animals (03:43)
08. Into The Night (03:04)
09. Son Of Wallachia (03:59)
10. My Justice, Your Pain (04:10)
11. Haunted (03:36)
12. Lullaby (03:56)
13. Unstoppable (04:13)
14. Inferno (03:56)
15. Son Of Wallachia (04:00)


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Ad Infinitum – Chapter II – Legacy (2021) Deluxe Edition + 3 bonus
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