After hearing their debut, it is clear that exToundra Guitars Victor Garcia-Tapia have fanned the latent but invisible fire from the ashes of the Nothink missing mother and Juan Blas Miguel Peñas band. And the results of the meetings in Westline studies with singer-guitar Moonich on bass, Javier Seisdedos-is a real flash of delicacy, with choruses red hot and burning piles of epic. "(Desert Pearl Union)

01. The Physics Of Light 01:01
02. Targets 04:11
03. Empty Rooms 03:16
04. The Story of Timothy Treadwell 04:01
05. Truth Seeker 04:01
06. Linsey 04:20
07. Echoes from Nowhere 01:26
08. Numbers 02:52
09. Drones 03:09
10. The Season 04:54

Making the Album at Westline Studios

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Minor Empires – Minor Empires (2014)
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