mutumMutum, the Mexican Symphonic metal forming Opera with Female singer, has released his new work "Premonitions of War." The disk is recommended for fans of Epica, Ayreon, After Forever, Nightwish and Therion.

01. Hourglass 03:43
02. The Memories (Gloria Victis) 05:18
03. Fallen Angel 05:09
04. Beyond The Sun 04:58
05. Loss Of Wisdom 04:32
06. The Poison 01:51
07. The Stars' Lullaby 02:11
08. Curses 04:20
09. Premonitions Of War 07:27

Myrthala Bray (Voz)
Roy CantĂș (Guitarra lider)
Carlos Salazar (Guitarra)
Diego Martinez (Bajo)
Juan de Dios Martinez (Bateria)
Hiram Aguirre (Teclado)


mirror link on file:
Mutum – Premonitions of War 2013
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