With their second album, the calm was including women's voices in his songs, there were different guests perform them live, and among them was the Clementine Delaunay. Going on tour, the band realized that her voice, personality and stage carrying something special to the universe of thought, that it should be on the new album. The idea has evolved over time ... why not permanent female voice in the group? And it seems that they have found the perfect, both on a professional and personal level. Thus, he came up somehow natural that Clementine should not be seen as a "guest" more.

01. Wings Of Madness
02. The Art Of War
03. Shining Oasis
04. For Freedom's Sake
05. Age Of Glory
06. The Matricide
07. Symphony For The Quiet
08. Tannenberg
09. Legacy Of Tudors
10. Royal Pain
11. Fairytales (ballad version; limited-edition bonus track)
12. Love Of My Life (limited-edition bonus track)

deposĀ turbo

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Serenity – War Of Ages 2013
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