Country of the performer (group): Stockholm, Sweden
Genre: Avant-Garde Metal, Swing Revival, Progressive Metal
Year of publication: 2003-2021

2003 - Borderline Hymns [EP] - 00:15:54
2006 - The Butcher's Ballroom - 00:51:04
2009 - Sing-Along Songs For The Damned And Delirious - 00:48:17
2012 - Pandora's PiƱata - 00:51:49
2017 - Pacifisticuffs - 00:44:26
2021 - Swagger & Stroll Down the Rabbit Hole - 01:00:51


mirror link on file:
Diablo Swing Orchestra – Discography (6 CD) (2003-2021), MP3
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