Country: Finland
Genre: Thrash Metal

01. Death Is Hardest Thing to Do (01:06)
02. Death Is Victory (01:55)
03. Violent-Psycho-Death (02:05)
04. Dirty Death (02:07)
05. Energy Death (02:45)
06. Slayer Kind of Death (03:17)
07. Death Brewery (01:35)
08. Genetic Death (02:19)
09. Mega Death (01:33)
10. Certain Death (01:58)
11. Death to the Idiot (01:55)
12. Die by Death (01:23)
13. Death by Coroner (02:25)
14. Smooth Death (01:28)


mirror link on file:
Death Is Death – Death Is Hardest Thing to Do (2021)
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