Santa Cruz - Discography
Country: Finland
Genre: Hard Rock | Glam metal
Year of publication: 2009-2022

2009 - Another Rush Of Adrenaline (EP) (226-227 kbps) - 00.21.08
2011 - Anthem For The Young 'n' Restless (EP) (226-227 kbps) - 00.23.33
2013 - Screaming For Adrenaline (320 kbps) - 00.53.10
2015 - Santa Cruz (320 kbps) - 00.41.43
2017 - Bad Blood Rising (320 kbps) - 00.47.02
2019 - Katharsis (320 kbps) - 00.38.26
2022 - The Return Of The Kings (320 kbps) - 00.45.09


mirror link on file:
Santa Cruz – Discography 2009-2022 (8 CDs), MP3
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