Thanks to his father’s music collection, Tyler developed an affinity for Blues and Rock music around the age of 6, and settled on guitar as his primary obsession at 9. He would work on songs by Eric Clapton, Aerosmith and B.B. King until he could do a faithful rendition of the originals, his focus moving from Rock to Blues and back again, exploring AC/DC, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Led Zeppelin. Tyler then turned to Van Halen, learning their catalog and channeling that style so thoroughly that he was later featured in a blazing tribute video to Eddie Van Halen’s technique for Vintage Guitar magazine. After a few years, Tyler turned his attention to more classically rooted Rock musicians such as Deep Purple/Rainbow’s Ritchie Blackmore, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Jason Becker, and also became interested in Andy Timmons, Gary Moore, Bon Jovi and Journey.

01. Ready To Shove
02. Livin' The Life
03. Willie The Wimp
04. Down On My Luck
05. Choppin'
06. Talkin' To Me
07. Thunder
08. This Ain't No Fun
09. Truth Is The Question
10. Keep On Driving

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mirror link on file:
Tyler Morris Band – Next In Line (2018)
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